Course Offerings
The Early College Program (ECP) is a dual enrollment program that offers students an authentic college experience and the opportunity to earn up to 15 hours of college credit per semester taken on the Metropolitan Community College, Longview Campus.
Courses taken through the ECP count for both high school and college credit. The program works in partnership with Metropolitan Community College. College credits taken through the ECP provide a seamless transition to MCC following graduation or students can easily transfer credits to all Missouri public two- and four-year institutions of higher education per CORE 42 (MO Department of Higher Education). Credits also transfer to many out-of-state institutions. The program offers flexible scheduling and is compatible with other off-campus programs and courses offered in the high school. Classes are offered in-person, online, hybrid, and in the evening. Tuition rate of $60.50 per credit hour plus the cost of textbooks and fees. Tuition and textbook assistance available for
qualifying students.
Program Requirements
- See Dual Credit Requirements for GPA/testing requisites in Advanced Studies Section
- Students in grades 11 or 12
- 3.0 GPA- Placement in non-math-based courses
- 3.3 GPA & successful completion of Algebra II-Placement in MATH 120-College Algebra, MATH 115-Statistics
- 2.5-2.94 GPA & Qualifying ACT/Accuplacer score (per MCC course enrollment requirements)
- Completed Early College Program and MCC Applications
Download our Course Descriptions
3 credit hour college course = 0.5 unit of high school credit
5 credit hour college course = 1.0 unit of high school credit
MOTR-Missouri Core Transfer Curriculum (CORE 42)
ART108 SURVEY OF ART (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Fine Art/ElectiveA brief history of the Visual Arts, including painting drawing, sculpture and architecture. Global cultures from prehistoric times through present day will be covered. (MOTR ART 100)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectiveThis course covers the practice and application of accounting principles involved in the process of preparing financial statements in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectivePREREQUISITE: ACCT 101 with a minimum grade of C. This course involves the practice and application of accounting principles involved in corporations. Departmentalization, budgeting, and statement analysis are all covered, along with introductory managerial accounting concepts.
BIOL101 GENERAL BIOLOGY (5 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 1.0 unit Credit Type: Science ElectiveBiological principles and methods applied to selected groups of living organisms and their environment. (MOTR BIOL 100L)
BIOL 110 HUMAN ANATOMY (5 credit hour)
Structure and function in the human body. (MOTR LIFS 100LA); 5 credit hour course with lab.
BIOL 132 Human Nutrition (3 credit hour)
This course introduces students to nutrient requirements, their functions and food sources throughout the life cycle. Students will evaluate food and nutrient intake using peer-reviewed dietary guidelines. (MOTR LIFS 100N); 3 credit hour non-lab course.
BIOL 208 MICROBIOLOGY (5 credit hour)
Prerequisites: CHEM 105 or higher, plus one of the following courses: BIOL 101, BIOL 104, BIOL 106, BIOL 109, BIOL 110, BIOL 123, BIOL 124 or HLSC 108. Growth, physiology, and genetics of microorganisms. Fundamental concepts of immunology, virology, bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology. Aspects of host-parasite relationships and control of microorganisms by physical and chemical agents.
BIOL 210 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY (5 credit hour)
Prerequisite: BIOL 110 and CHEM 105. Functions of the human body as revealed by cells, tissues, organs, and systems in terms of underlying physicochemical processes. (MOTR LIFS 150LP); 5 credit hour course with lab.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectiveBusiness Communications identifies the scope and structure of communications within a business environment. The areas of study include writing processes involving a wide variety of business correspondences. Current methods of communication by technology are covered with direct applications utilizing Internet, Email, PowerPoint presentations, electronic files, employee and data privacy, resumes and interviewing techniques. Emphasis is placed on formal reports within the APA and MLA formats/structures.
Course investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and organizational structures have on behavior in the workplace. The student will develop individual competencies with emphasis in business environments. The acquired competencies can be applied toward improving individual and organizational effectiveness.
Independent study in business related field under the supervision of a Business faculty member. For students currently employed a minimum of 19 hours per week.
The course focuses on management functions such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling for successful managerial activities. The students will learn how successful managers use organizational resources through organizational functions in order to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational objectives
This course introduces the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. It is concerned with managerial decisions and actions that affect the performance of business enterprises. It focuses on the information, analyses, organizational processes, and skills managers must use to devise strategies, position their businesses, define boundaries and maximize long-term profits.
This course teaches students the essentials of project management discovering the critical concepts needed to plan, implement, control and close any type of project. Students will learn to develop all sections of a project plan and a variety of helpful techniques to generate project ideas.
This course provides an overview of the human resources management functions within an organization and the human resources management profession generally.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectiveProvides a survey of laws that are important to persons as citizens of the United States and as participants in its economic system.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 1.0 unit Credit Type: Science ElectiveThe principles of general, organic, and biological chemistry for health science students.(MOTR CHEM 100HP)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 1.0 unit Credit Type: Science ElectivePREREQUISITE: MATH 120 a grade of C or higher, or appropriate placement score, and CHEM 107 with a grade of C or higher, or high school chemistry with a grade of C or higher; or CHEM 105 with a grade of C or higher and MATH 120 with a grade of C or higher, or appropriate placement score. Introduction to the understanding of atoms and molecules: their qualitative and quantitative reactions and interactions. (MOTR CHEM 150L)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveAn introductory public speaking course including practical application of speaking and listening skills. The emphasis will be on the organization and delivery of subject matter. (MOTR COMM 110
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectivePhilosophical and historical background of law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Organization, purpose, and functions of criminal justice agencies on the local, state, and federal levels. The respective roles of personnel in justice agencies in the United States. Career requirements and opportunities in these fields.
CRJU165 CRIMINOLOGY (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveThe course will introduce students to theories associated with criminal behavior and the manifestation of crime. A historical evolution of crime and punishment is introduced along with concepts, terms, and the criminal justice subsystem.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveDefinitions of delinquent behavior. Theories of causation. Development of the juvenile court. Function of detention, intake, and probation. Community-based and institutional programs. Procedures for processing juveniles and treatment trends.
CRJU223 CRIMINAL LAW (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveIntroduction to criminal law. Classification and analysis of crimes and criminal acts. Criminal law as a means of preservation and protection of life and property.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectiveThis course provides basic technology skills needed for success in college-level coursework and career preparation. Topics include file management on local, network and cloud-based storage media. Additional topics include word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software as well as navigation of web-based information, data security and personal information assurance. Test out option available upon request.
ECON210 MACROECONOMICS (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectivePrerequisite: MATH 85 OR MATH 95 with a grade of C or better or appropriate placement test score. A basic examination of the principles of economics that apply to the economic system in the aggregate. Topics include opportunity costs, gains from trade, demand and supply, determination of aggregate output, employment, inflation, and exchange rates, and the role of fiscal and monetary policy in the U.S. and world economy.
ECON211 MICROECONOMICS (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grades 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectivePrerequisite: MATH 85 OR MATH 95 with a grade of C or better or appropriate placement test score. A basic examination of the microeconomic behavior of individual consumers, firms, and markets in the domestic and world economy. Topics include opportunity costs, gains from trade, demand and supply, production, market structures, and externalities and public goods.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectivePREREQUISITE: ENGL 101 with a grade of C or better. This course is designed to examine educational practice from diverse historical, philosophical, sociological, economic, and legal perspectives. The course will address issues of educational equity, sociocultural influences on teaching and learning, and how teachers and schools can contribute to interpersonal and intercultural understanding and respect, social justice, and democratic citizenship. Students will explore the nature of school environments, the fundamental goals of education in the American public school, English Language Learners, the relationship between school and a diverse society, the organization of school curricula, and characteristics of effective schools and instruction in grades P-12.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectivePREREQUISITE: ENGL 101 and PSYC 140 with grades of C or better. This course is designed to help students relate theories and principles of educational psychology to teaching, learning, and assessment. This course focuses on the diversity of learners and learning processes, as well as teacher characteristics, classroom strategies, and data analysis in P-12 classrooms. Appropriate strategies for increasing motivation, multi-dimensional development, and academic achievement for all learners are introduced.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectivePREREQUISITE: ENGL 101 with a grade of C or better. In this course students will learn how to integrate instructional technology into P-12 classrooms. Students will study a variety of software programs, presentation technology, telecommunication tools, and assistive technology. The focus will also be on social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology.
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Practical Art/ElectivePREREQUISITE: EDUC 270 with a grade of C or better. This survey course is an introduction to exceptional learners and their education in grades P-12. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of people with special needs in addition to strategies of educating and including all learners in general education and special education settings. Students will research and discuss complex issues related to compliance with state and federal education laws, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well learn to navigate special education processes, such as referral, eligibility, re-evaluation, and IEPs. This course requires a 15-hour special education field experience component.
ENGL101 COMPOSITION & READING I (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: English 12Focus on instruction in the composing process that includes exploration of ideas through reading, methods of writing development, and use of writing conventions. Instruction takes students from reflective expression to critical analysis through writing. . (MOTR ENGL 100)
ENGL102 COMPOSITION & READING II (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: English 12PREREQUISITE: ENGL 101 with a grade of C or higher. Students are asked to analyze and evaluate persuasive essays for the writer's use of logical thinking. Students will develop research skills for the purpose of creating documented essays that reflect critical thinking and logical argument. (MOTR ENGL 200)
ENGL 215 TECHNICAL WRITING (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: English 12/ElectivePREREQUISITE: ENGL 101. Prepares students to compose written products appropriate to contexts requiring technical communication and documentation.
ETEC 152 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS & CADD 1 (5 credit hour)
Prerequisite: MATH 95 with a grade of C or better or appropriate placement test score. Introduction to engineering communications and basic computer aided drafting/design (CADD). Emphasis on technical sketching, orthographic projection, drawing layout, drafting and CADD standards and conventions, dimensioning, sectioning, annotation and basic design principles. Foundation for computer aided drafting/design including file management, basic drawing commands, basic editing commands, layering, blocks and wblocks, dimensioning, polylines, hatching and plotting.
Prerequisite: ETEC 152. Graphic solutions of spatial relationships between points, lines, angles, planes and solids. Includes mechanical, architectural and civil problems and concepts. Determining true length, angle, visibility, bearing, slope, intersections, parallelism and perpendicularity using CADD and technical sketching.
ETEC 170 MICROSTATION (3 credit hour)
Prerequisite: ETEC 152 with a grade of c or higher. An introduction to computer aided drafting/design (CADD) using Microstation. Topics will include creating basic and complex geometry, CADD standards, dimensioning, cells and cell libraries, plotting and reference files.
Prerequisite: ETEC 152 Introduction to commercial architecture and structures. Topics include commercial structure types, site considerations, foundation plans, structures, construction materials and methods, cost estimating and environmentally friendly design practices. An emphasis will be placed on building systems and building system planning.
ETEC 211 REVIT (3 credit hour)
Prerequisite: ETEC 152 or satisfactory completion of Project Lead the Way, Introduction to Engineering Design. An introduction to Building Information Modeling using Revit. Building design, layout and components of residential and commercial buildings will be created. Topics will also include levels, views, detailing, scheduling, elevations and sections.
Prerequisite: ETEC 152. Introduction to structural steel and structural steel blueprints. Topics include steel as a material, structural steel shapes, drawing types, connection methods and fabrication methods. The AISC Manual of Steel Construction will be introduced and used in reference to structural members and drawings.
Prerequisite: ETEC 152 or 169. Advanced computer aided drafting and design (CADD). Advanced dimensioning and tolerancing techniques, attributes, advanced drawing aids, file management and basic customization. Effective use of model space, paper space and viewports. Basic operations of three-dimensional wire frames, surface models, solid models. An introduction to 3D scanning through ReCAP and AutoCADD.
ETEC 270 INVENTOR (3 credit hour)
Prerequisite: ETEC 152 or Project Lead the Way Introduction to Engineering Design (with a C grade or higher). An in-depth introduction to three-dimensional parametric modeling. A current release of an industry parametric modeler will be used to produce three-dimensional part files, assemblies, presentations and orthographic production documents. Students will work on individual and group projects to solve simulated industry design problems.
ETEC 271 SOLIDWORKS (3 credit hour)
Prerequisite: ETEC 152 with a grade of C or higher. An in-depth introduction to three-dimensional parametric modeling. A current release of an industry parametric modeler will be used to produce three-dimensional part files, assemblies, presentations and orthographic production documents. Students will work on individual and group projects to solve simulated industry design problems.
ETECH 272 ADVANCED INVENTOR (3 credit hour)
Prerequisite: ETEC 270 with a grade of C or higher. Advanced parametric modeling using Inventor. Topics include advanced part modeling, sheet metal models and flat patterns, weldments, plastic parts, drawing standards, adaptive parts and assemblies, iParts, iMates and iFeatures.
GEOG105 WORLD GEOGRAPHY (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveIntroduction and application of geographic principles to the survey of the major world regions: Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, North America, and the Pacific World.
GEOL101 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY (5 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 1.0 unit Credit Type: Science ElectiveStudy of plate tectonics, rocks, minerals, volcanoes, earthquakes, resources, geologic time, and the processes that affect the surface and the interior of the earth. Laboratory analysis of rocks and minerals. Interpretation of topographic and geologic maps as investigative tools. Optional field trips. (MOTR GEOG 101)
HIST120 UNITED STATES HISTORY TO 1865 (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: American Government/ElectiveSurvey of American history and institutions from pre-Columbian times through the Civil War. Examines economic, social, cultural, intellectual, and political development. Federal and Missouri constitutions. *Students are required to take the US and MO constitution tests and the EOC. (MOTR HIST 101) *Students are required to take the US and MO constitution tests and the EOC at their high school to graduate.
HIST121 UNITED STATES HISTORY SINCE 1865 (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: MGI/ElectiveSurvey of American history and institutions from the Civil War to the present. Examines economic, social, cultural, intellectual, and political development. Federal and Missouri constitutions. (MOTR HIST 102)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveSurvey of Western Civilization through the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Brief comparative summaries of Near Eastern and Oriental civilizations. (MOTR WCIV 101)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: MGI/ElectiveSurvey of European history from the renaissance to the present. Emphasis on Renaissance and Reformation, the emergence of the modern state, industrialism, nationalism, and the problems caused by war, revolution and imperialism in the 20th and 21st centuries. Relationship of European civilization to the developments of the non-European world. (MOTR WCIV 102)
MATH115 STATISTICS (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Math/ElectiveDescriptive statistics, ungrouped and grouped data, elementary probability, discrete and continuous statistical inference, significance and distribution measures, regression and correlation analysis. (MOTR MATH 110)
MATH120 - COLLEGE ALGEBRA (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Math/ElectiveA study of various types of equations and inequalities, functions and their inverses, theory of higher degree equations, systems of equations, determinants, logarithms and exponentials, and applications. (MOTR MATH 130)
MATH 130 TRIGONOMETRY (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit Type: Math/ElectivePREREQUISITE: MATH 120 with a grade of C or better or appropriate placement test score. Plane geometry is strongly recommended. Angle based trigonometric functions and their inverses, multiple angle formulas, identities, conditional equations, radian measure, arc length, angular velocity, function graphing, and solution of triangles. Plane geometry is strongly recommended.
MATH150 PRE-CALCULUS (5 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 1.0 unit Credit Type: Math/Elective PREREQUISITE: Appropriate placement test score.A study of various types of algebraic equations and inequalities, functions and their inverses, theory of higher degree polynomial equations, systems of equations and inequalities, logarithms, exponentials, and applications. A study of trigonometric functions and their inverses, formulas and identities, conditional equations, radian measure, arc length, angular velocity, function graphing and solution of triangles. (MOTR MATH 150)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 1.0 unit Credit Type: Math/ElectivePREREQUISITE: MATH 130 or MATH 150. A study of plane analytic geometry, limits, continuity, the derivative for functions of a single variable, differentials, indefinite and definite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and applications of the derivative and integral.
MUSI108 MUSIC APPRECIATION (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Fine Art/ElectiveThis course will introduce the student to the aesthetics of music through the study of musical eras including the Middle Ages through 20th century and music genres through vocal and instrumental mediums. (MOTR MUSC 100)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveThis course will introduce students to the fundamental questions of human existence including the foundation of knowledge, the nature of ethical, religious, and social values and meaning, conceptions of being, and human freedom. Consideration will be given to the application of philosophical methods to contemporary society and problems. (MOTR PHIL 100)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: American Government/ElectivePrinciples of political science. Examination of the development, organization, and function of the national government. Its relationship to the cultural, economic, and social institutions of the United States, Federal and Missouri constitutions. *Students are required to take the US and MO constitution tests and the EOC at their high school to graduate. (MOTR POSC 101)
PSYC140 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveIntroduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes through the exploration of major theories, concepts, methods, and research findings in the field of psychology. Using the foundation of the scientific method, topics cover various sub-disciplines in psychology: biological, cognitive, developmental, social and personality, and mental/physical health. Emphasis on biopsychosocial influences and integration across sub-discipline topics. (MOTR PSYC 100)
SOCI160 SOCIOLOGY (3 credit hour)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: ElectiveIntroduction to sociological principles, practices, and concepts with emphasis on groups, culture, personality, society, communication, cities, and social institutions. Family, religion, government, social change, social control, and social progress. (MOTR SOCI 101)
WEIGHTED: 0.666 Grade 11-12 Credit: 0.5 unit Credit Type: Fine Art/ElectiveTheater Appreciation is an overview of theater from the playgoer's perspective. The course will include a discussion of theater as a composite art form, investigate theater practices that relate to audiences, and examine the function of the playwright, actor, director, designer, and others in relationship to the creation of a theatrical production. (MOTR THEA 100A)
The ECP Business Pathway is designed so that students can complete an Associate of Applied Science in Business degree one semester following high school graduation. Students can choose to complete an additional 29 credits at Metropolitan Community College. Students can transfer 90 credit hours to Northwest Missouri State in Kansas City, Maryville, or online to complete an additional 30 college credits to earn a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Management or Marketing two years following high school graduation. Applied Science degrees allow students to start on degree related classes immediately and replace most general education classes with business classes. Applied science degrees emphasize internships, capstone projects, and workforce ready skills. This degree pathway is designed to transfer to Northwest Missouri State, not other institutions.
For details and more information about the Business Degree Pathway, visit
The ECP Engineering Technology & Computer Aided Design & Drafting pathway is designed so students can complete the MCC Certificate in the junior and senior years of high school. Students also have the option to pursue an Associate of Applied Science degree by completing additional coursework in general education classes.
For details and more information about the ETEC Pathway, visit
The ECP Hospitality pathway is designed so that students can complete an Associate of Applied Science in Business- Hospitality Emphasis degree one year following high school graduation. Students can transfer the degree to Missouri State University and complete a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Hospitality Leadership within 3 years of high school graduation. This degree pathway is designed to transfer to Missouri State University, not other institutions.
For details and more information about the Hospitality Pathway, visit
Early College Program Coordinator
Erin Barnett
Phone: 816.604.2114
Customize your pathway with Summit Technology Academy and ECP. Jump start your college degree with STA dual credit offerings and dual enrollment credit through MCC-Longview and ECP. For more information, visit: STA + Early College Program - Summit Technology Academy (